Ra Дата регистрации: Июль 5, 2022

Последние объявления

Hello! I'm from Ukraine Июль 5, 2022
Hello! I'm from Ukraine

Congratulations !  I am Irina from Ukraine city of Kharkiv.  I want to appeal to all concerned people and ask you for help, of course, if you have such an opportunity.  The reason for my appeal is known to everyone, but I will write that I lost my job at the beginning of the war, all my savings unfo...

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Июль 5, 2022
Hello! I'm from Ukraine

Congratulations !  I am Irina from Ukraine city of Kharkiv.  I want to appeal to all concerned people and ask you for help, of course, if you have such an opportunity.  The reason for my appeal is known to everyone, but I will write that I lost my job at the beginning of the war, all my savings unfo...

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Hello! I'm from Ukraine Июль 5, 2022
Hello! I'm from Ukraine

Congratulations !  I am Iryna from Ukraine, the city of Kharkiv.  I want to appeal to all caring people and ask you for help, of course, if you have such an opportunity.  The reason for my appeal is known to everyone, but I will write since the beginning of the war. I lost my job, unfortunately, all...

Advocate Harbour
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